Is Aktenzeichen Xy… Ungelöst (1967) Still Running

1. Aktenzeichen XY ... ungeloest - Next Episode Air Date

  • Each episode contains three to five short films, each lasting about ten minutes, in which a real criminal case is reconstructed.

  • Your TV show guide to Countdown Aktenzeichen XY ... ungeloest Air Dates. Stay in touch with Aktenzeichen XY ... ungeloest next episode Air Date and your favorite TV Shows.

2. Aktenzeichen XY… ungelöst - Wikiwand articles

  • Aktenzeichen XY... ungelöst ("Case number XY... unsolved") is a German interactive television programme first broadcast on 20 October 1967 on ZDF.

  • Aktenzeichen XY... ungelöst is a German interactive television programme first broadcast on 20 October 1967 on ZDF. Created by Eduard Zimmermann, it aims to com...

3. Aktenzeichen XY... ungelöst! (1967) - GAWBY

  • Aktenzeichen XY … ungelöst is a German television programme broadcast since October 1967 on ZDF that aims to combat and solve crimes.

  • Aktenzeichen XY … ungelöst is a German television programme broadcast since October 1967 on ZDF that aims to combat and solve crimes. Until 2003 it was produced in co-operation with the Austrian public service broadcaster ORF and Schweizer Fernsehen, a division of the Swiss public broadcaster SRG SSR idée suisse. It was the basis for the BBC show Crimewatch, the Dutch show Opsporing Verzocht and its US equivalent America's Most Wanted. The goal of the programme is to throw light on unsolved offences with the aid of viewers. Each episode contains three to five short films, each lasting about ten minutes, in which a real criminal case is reconstructed. The cases are mostly complex ones in which the criminals and chains of events are still unknown. In addition cases are discussed in the studio in which, for example, the identities of criminals or unknown murder victims are sought with the aid of a photo. Viewers can use the telephone or Internet to give information. According to a study by the programme's editorial department, about forty percent of cases shown on the programme are solved.

4. Aktenzeichen XY ... ungeloest -

  • ZDF (1967 - now). Schedule: Wednesdays at 20:15 (90 min). Status: Running. Language: German. Show Type: Reality. Genres: Crime. Episodes ordered: 12 episodes.

  • Aktenzeichen XY … ungelöst is an interactive German television programme that aims to combat and solve crimes. The goal of the programme is to throw light on unsolved offences with the aid of viewers. Each episode contains three to five short films, each lasting about ten minutes, in which a real criminal case is reconstructed. The cases are mostly complex ones in which the criminals and chains of events are still unknown. In addition cases are discussed in the studio in which, for example, the identities of criminals or unknown murder victims are sought with the aid of a photo. Viewers can use the telephone or Internet to give information. According to a study by the programme's editorial department, about forty percent of cases shown on the programme are solved.

5. Aktenzeichen XY... ungelöst!, 1967-2024 -

6. «Aktenzeichen XY ... ungelöst» Doku: Opfer des Bösen kann jede und ...

  • 10 aug 2023 · Seit 1967 brachte Eduard Zimmermann echte Verbrechen ins Fernsehen und kam dabei auch Schweizer Mördern auf die Spur.

  • Seit 1967 brachte Eduard Zimmermann echte Verbrechen ins Fernsehen und kam dabei auch Schweizer Mördern auf die Spur. Dabei propagierte er ein konservatives Weltbild.

7. „Aktenzeichen XY... Ungelöst“: Um diese Fälle geht es am 6.11.2024

  • Bevat niet: still | Resultaten tonen met:still

  • Die ZDF-Sendung „Aktenzeichen XY... Ungelöst“ läuft seit mehr als 50 Jahren erfolgreich im Fernsehen. Wir werfen einen Blick auf die nächste Ausgabe.

8. 50 Jahre "Aktenzeichen XY... ungelöst" - Der verlängerte Arm der Kripo

  • Bevat niet: still running

  • Am 20. Oktober 1967 flimmerte die erste Sendung "Aktenzeichen XY ...ungelöst" über die deutschen Bildschirme. Seitdem helfen Fernsehzuschauer der Kriminalpolizei, Verbrechen zu bekämpfen und aufzuklären. Die Erfolgsgeschichte einer Sendung, die anfangs auf Skepsis stieß.

9. Staffel 1967 von Aktenzeichen XY … ungelöst - Moviepilot

  • Bevat niet: still running

  • Originaltitel: 20.10.1967 - Grünes Minikleid / Heiratsschwindler / Punzzeichen | Erstausstrahlung: 20.10.1967

Is Aktenzeichen Xy… Ungelöst (1967) Still Running
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.